What is an ovarian cyst?
Ovarian cysts may be best described as fluid encased follicles within the ovaries measuring the size of a pea to a cantaloupe (medium sized). When the follicles are larger than 2 centimetres, then the growth is said to be a cyst. Most of the ovarian cysts are functional, benign and create very little or no trouble at all till the get ruptured or grow enormous in dimension. Almost every woman who has not attained menopause has these cysts in the US. It has been found that 14.8% of women after menopause have the cyst. Ovarian Carcinoma is found in 15 cases out of 100000 women each year. In recent years, herbal treatments to cure ovarian cysts have become popular.
Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. But they occur in most cases at the stage of life when she can have a baby. In some cases the cysts give rise to problems, such as bleeding and pain and may have to be surgically removed.
Ovarian cyst options for treatments
The fact is, ovarian cysts today are a major cause of excessive bleeding, infertility and pain in women. You need to test to be sure because they are in most cases benign. Surgery remains the most popular treatment option. But in reality, in most cases, surgery is not desirable and is also not a feasible alternative. This is because surgery often leads to side effects such as the cysts coming back in the future. ‘Synthetic Hormone Therapy’ is another option. Hysterectomy is also one more options that are presented to women. In recent years however, ‘Ovarian Cyst Herbal Treatments’ have become available as a treatment option.
It takes about three to six months for 100% relief from cysts with the herbal treatment approach. Of course, this can vary depending on the size of the cyst and how many of them are there. The liver also needs to be supported and cleaned simultaneously, as it can regulate the hormone levels in the body, and can also clean the blood. The diet is also important here as there are a few food items that can make the situation worse - and there are some that can control the cyst and how frequently they appear.
Green leafy vegetables, particularly when taken in the raw form can both provide relief and stop the cyst from making a comeback. Plus, you should also go for whole foods, whole grains, legumes, fruits and garlic. And the ones that are to be avoided are processed and refined foods, red meat, fat, carbonated beverages, caffeine, eggs, alcohol and sugar. Remember, a natural and balanced diet makes you healthy and fit.
From week 2 to the arrival of the menstrual cycle
Here is a herbal treatment that can be useful in this period. It has 3 capsules of vitex & black cohosh, 2 capsules of dandelion root & black haw, 1 capsule that has bee pollen, pau d’arco and chaparral. Take this 2 times in a day. Take this from the 2nd week after the cycle till the period begins again.
From the starting to the 2nd week
During this period the herbal treatment consists of taking 3 capsules of milk thistle and black and blue cohosh, 2 capsules of ‘wild yam’, and 1 capsule of chaparral, pau d’ arco, yarrow and bee pollen. This combination too needs to be consumed twice a day.
Please remember to supplement these medicines with vitamins A, E and C.
These therapies need to be practiced for 3 months (minimum) alternatively and this needs to go on for one year. IT depends on the length and the severity of the problem. But do remember that the above mentioned method and medicines are only a ‘General Suggestion’.
Holistic approach towards total recovery
The most effective way to total recovery is in holistic treatments. Ovarian cyst herbal treatments also are more effective if the holistic approach is taken up. Thus, it can be said that the holistic approach works more effectively and cannot be matched up with when it comes to the results. Where the conventional system and the holistic one differ is that, in the conventional approach, diagnosing and treating the symptoms is given a priority, whereas in the holistic way, more importance is given to finding out a healthy spirit/body/mind combination that can prevent the cysts. Holistic approach also focuses on uncovering the primary causes of the condition and leverages the power of natural therapies to eradicate the main contributing factors of ovarian cysts. This approach is often more effective as the healing is faster, there is no need for surgery and the medical interventions are also less.
Awareness - this is where the holistic approach begins from. It has been proven that when a patient knows what the problem is, she would co-operate and work in partnership. Once she has been reassured that ovarian cysts are really quite common in her reproductive phase, she would whole heartedly cooperate and support the therapy, so very vital in speedy recovery. The truth that ovarian cysts are quite harmless and they are nothing abnormal will also help in regaining her confidence. Conclusively speaking, ovarian cyst herbal treatments when applied with the holistic approach yield a better result.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More . For Further Information: Ovarian Cysts
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Ovarian Cysts Can Have Serious Complications
Anyone who has a cyst in the ovary is prone to various complications that may arise from it. Thus if there are certain symptoms, it is always best to go for a pelvic scan or examination. Sometimes the size of the cyst can also be very large and when this is the case, the abdominal pain can be acute. In some cases, the cyst also presses the urinary bladder and so the person may need to urinate more often. Ovarian cyst treatments are most successfully achieved through holistic remedies.
There is yet another reason why you should have a check up done for ovarian cysts and other pelvic conditions and that is that some women develop ovarian cysts that are not commonly found. These are painless and do not result in any of the common symptoms which accompany the usual type of ovarian cysts. It is these uncommon types of cysts that can cause complications. It has also been found that sometimes the symptoms are hard to distinguish from those found at the time of pregnancy. As a matter of fact, many women have only come to realize that they have developed ovarian cysts after they have bled severely. Initially, they mistook this bleeding for miscarriage.
It is not that only a malignant cyst can cause complications, but cysts that do cause complications are not benign in nature. And it is only at a very late stage that you might be able to realize the pain or the symptoms of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can also affect the fertility of the patient. There might be cases where a cyst occurs when the patient has already reached her menopause, in such cases complications are bound to occur and most of these cysts turn cancerous.
We give below examples of the non functional kind of ovarian cysts that are known to cause more complications.
(1) Dermoid Cysts in the Ovary: These cysts may get formed from cells that produce the eggs and because of this; the cysts may have skin, hair, teeth and other human tissues. Though they are not cancerous, but in cases where they are too big, they may lead to pain and other complications such as the ovary becoming twisted.
(2) Endometriomas: The uterus cells help the cyst to grow but it grows on the uterus’ outside - but it is still attached to the ovary.
3) Cystadenomas: A cyst that is filled with fluids, these can grow to a size of 12 inches. These ovarian cysts can cause complications such as the twisting of the ovary.
The type pf the cyst also determines what the complications are. Those cysts that are non functional, are the ones that lead to the maximum complications. The reason behind this is the fact that functional cysts can be treated with medications and also through surgery. And those cysts that cannot be classified also lead to complications as their causes are not identified - as a result, the treatment is also not determined. Having sex while carrying the cyst is not good as there can be a lot of pain and some bleeding too.
But all these complications related to ovarian cysts can be treated. But most of the conventional treatments focus only on the symptoms rather than on the root cause of the problem. The holistic approach on the other hand emphasizes the need to eliminate the root cause of the ovarian cysts instead of just treating the symptoms. The root cause of the ovarian cyst may vary from obesity to a weak immune system, accumulation of toxics in the digestive system, genetics and poor diet and various other health related issues.
Therefore, it is important to adopt the holistic approach if you want to cure the complications of ovarian cysts completely. This lays emphasis on treating the real cause of the malady rather than just dealing with its symptoms.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More . For Further Information: Complications Of Ovarian Cysts
There is yet another reason why you should have a check up done for ovarian cysts and other pelvic conditions and that is that some women develop ovarian cysts that are not commonly found. These are painless and do not result in any of the common symptoms which accompany the usual type of ovarian cysts. It is these uncommon types of cysts that can cause complications. It has also been found that sometimes the symptoms are hard to distinguish from those found at the time of pregnancy. As a matter of fact, many women have only come to realize that they have developed ovarian cysts after they have bled severely. Initially, they mistook this bleeding for miscarriage.
It is not that only a malignant cyst can cause complications, but cysts that do cause complications are not benign in nature. And it is only at a very late stage that you might be able to realize the pain or the symptoms of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can also affect the fertility of the patient. There might be cases where a cyst occurs when the patient has already reached her menopause, in such cases complications are bound to occur and most of these cysts turn cancerous.
We give below examples of the non functional kind of ovarian cysts that are known to cause more complications.
(1) Dermoid Cysts in the Ovary: These cysts may get formed from cells that produce the eggs and because of this; the cysts may have skin, hair, teeth and other human tissues. Though they are not cancerous, but in cases where they are too big, they may lead to pain and other complications such as the ovary becoming twisted.
(2) Endometriomas: The uterus cells help the cyst to grow but it grows on the uterus’ outside - but it is still attached to the ovary.
3) Cystadenomas: A cyst that is filled with fluids, these can grow to a size of 12 inches. These ovarian cysts can cause complications such as the twisting of the ovary.
The type pf the cyst also determines what the complications are. Those cysts that are non functional, are the ones that lead to the maximum complications. The reason behind this is the fact that functional cysts can be treated with medications and also through surgery. And those cysts that cannot be classified also lead to complications as their causes are not identified - as a result, the treatment is also not determined. Having sex while carrying the cyst is not good as there can be a lot of pain and some bleeding too.
But all these complications related to ovarian cysts can be treated. But most of the conventional treatments focus only on the symptoms rather than on the root cause of the problem. The holistic approach on the other hand emphasizes the need to eliminate the root cause of the ovarian cysts instead of just treating the symptoms. The root cause of the ovarian cyst may vary from obesity to a weak immune system, accumulation of toxics in the digestive system, genetics and poor diet and various other health related issues.
Therefore, it is important to adopt the holistic approach if you want to cure the complications of ovarian cysts completely. This lays emphasis on treating the real cause of the malady rather than just dealing with its symptoms.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More . For Further Information: Complications Of Ovarian Cysts
Monday, September 6, 2010
The LINK between Colon Cancer and Ovarian Cysts
Ovaries are the two small organs that are located on either of the sides of uterus in women’s body. They would make the hormones, also the estrogen that would trigger menstruation. Every month, ovaries would release tiny eggs. These eggs would make their way down fallopian tube to get potentially fertilized. Cycle of realising of eggs is known as ovulation. Cysts are the fluid filled sacs which could form in ovaries. They are quite common, typically during childbearing years. There are many types of the ovarian cysts. Colon cancer and ovarian cysts need to be treated in order to remove it from roots. The common forms of the ovarian cysts health with time. However, at times cyst removal needs to be performed to prevent oneself from any sorts of future physical complications. Common most reasons for getting removing off the ovarian cyst as it could lead to several serious troubles. It could lead to solid, large and strangely shaped cyst. There are also chances for you get hit by cancer. One might experience a lot of pain due to the twisting or rupturing. The older, more likely is the ovarian cyst to get cancerous. There are mainly two forms for removal of ovarian cyst- Laparoscopic surgery and open surgery. No matter whatever type of the ovarian cysts removal surgery that you choose to undergo, surgeon would look for the signs of cancer. If in case cancer is detected, the ovaries would be required to get removed in order to prevent from further spreading. Once the cyst is removed off, it would be required to send it to the pathologist in order to perform a test and rule out presence of the cancer. Colon cancer and ovarian cysts are related. Women who have been diagnosed and have been treated by colon cancer are at the risk for developing colon cancer. If the tests show that there isn’t cancer involved which means no immediate danger is involved. You might want to take up some natural remedy as the ovarian cyst removal doesn’t stop more of cysts from developing. The scientists are convinced by statistics on how to actually prevent colon cancer and ovarian cyst to through consumption of proper diet. Consider the folks with the low in fiber diets who consume loads of fatty foods, carbs, meat and highly refined foodstuffs are more of likely to get colon cancer. Thus, avoiding these foods would reduce the chance of getting affected by cancer. Adopting a vegetarian diet is advisable. Individuals who have had a family history too can be detected cancer. It is best to consult a doctor before undergoing any treatment. The over the country and conventional medication are mainly aimed at curing the symptoms and not the roots. The conventional treatments are expensive and could also have some side effects too. Natural treatments would take some time but are sure to cure the problem from the root. Some women believe that surgery is the only way to cure the colon cancer and ovarian cysts; the fact is that there are many natural remedies that could prove helpful. Take some initial preventative steps could also be helpful in treating the colon cancer and ovarian cysts.
Learn more about Ovarian Cysts Holistic cure
Learn more about Ovarian Cysts Holistic cure
Monday, August 30, 2010
Abnormal Ovarian Cyst: Causes And RISKS
There are two types of cysts which form - there is the functional cyst and there is the abnormal ovarian cyst. The various types of abnormal ovarian cysts such as dermoid cyst, endometrioma cyst, adenoma cyst and “polycystic ovarian disease” all occur because of the imbalance of “female hormones” i.e. progesterone and estrogen. Most of these abnormal cysts are really benign and not cancerous but nobody has, till now, been able to identify the reason for these abnormalities. In most instances, these cysts do not cause any problem but stay within the body for a lifetime. However, in rare cases, they do burst and consequently require immediate surgery. Let us now study the various types of ovarian cysts in detail.
Dermoid cyst
The dermoid cyst is basically made up of different kinds of tissues and skin and air. In medical terms it is called a “cystic teratoma” containing mature skin full with sweat glands and hair follicles, at times long hair clumps, and very often, pockets of blood, sebum, cartilage, eyes, teeth, nails, bone, fat, and ‘thyroid tissue’. The presence of mature tissues makes the dermoid cyst nearly always benign. Rarely a ‘malignant dermoid cyst’ might develop into ‘Squamous Cell Carcinoma’ in the adults. And in babies and children it might lead to the development of ‘Endodermal Sinus Tumour’.
Periorbital Dermoid Cysts
The periorbital dermoid cysts generally occur in small children. They occur adjoining the eyebrow`s lateral aspect. It has a rubbery feeling. The disruption of a periorbital dermoid cyst can lead to an ‘Inflammatory Reaction’. Based on particular cases they are either watched or excision is the only solution. If the excision is not done properly then there might be a recurrence of the cyst. But at times, excision is not a practical solution; in some cases the cyst grows an extension through the skull’s suture line.
Cannot be Equated with Pilonidal Cyst
Sometimes a tiny dermoid cyst on head i.e. skull sutures, under tongue, palate, nose, sinus, etc. or coccyx can be mistaken for a pilonidal cyst. The main reason for this mistake is that they are both ‘full of hair’. A ‘pilonidal cyst’ is basically a ‘pilonidal sinus’ that has got obstructed. A sinus or fistula might occur on a teratoma adjoining the body surface. A cluster might also develop. A pilonidal cyst is also termed as ‘Sacrococcygeal Fistula’ which is actually a kind of dermal infection adjoining the tailbone. It is a very painful condition.
Differential Diagnosis
It is important that a correct diagnosis because a pilonidal cyst is very similar to a dermoid cyst, the most significant resemblance being the presence of Germ Cell Tumor. And the reason for taking care is that if there is teratoma, surgical excision is required and the surgery must be done without any sort of spillage. It would therefore be wise to consult a reputable oncologist.
Endometrioma Cyst
It gets formed when tissues that look like the lining of the uterus attach themselves to the ovaries. They are also referred to as chocolate cysts.
Adenoma Cyst
This forms on the outer surface of ovaries and is an ovarian cyst which develops from cells. The Mucinous Cyst Adenomas in particular is the biggest that can form on human beings and an Ovarian Mucinous Cyst adenoma can weigh as much as 328 lbs. or 149 kgs. Mostly, these cysts form on young persons and there`s no apparent reason as to why they form. While they do not usually turn malignant, this has also been known to happen so it is wise to treat them appropriately when discovered.
Mutinous cyst adenomas belong to asymptomatic cysts. But they are still there in women because of mass in the abdomen. Thus the gynaecologic test becomes important to identify them and find out the source of non specific abdominal complains. Suspicion must be maintained for pelvic pathology.
Polycystic Ovarian Cyst
A cyst sometimes forms from the build up of “Follicle Cysts” and results in a thickening of ovaries. It is called Polycystic ovarian cyst. Enlarging occurs in the ovaries due to the thickening and the outer end becomes covered causing ovulation to come to a stop. Naturally, this causes fertility problems in women who develop this kind of abnormal ovarian cyst, usually referred to as PCOS.
Holistic approach
All these abnormal ovarian cysts can be cured by choosing to avail of the holistic approach. Its divinity causes the abnormal ovarian cyst to get cured. The holistic approach is being favorably considered by more and more people nowadays because this treatment is harmless. Further, the holistic approach tends to make people physically and mentally strong. Since the cause of cysts can vary from imbalances in hormones to something quite different such as emotional stress, a holistic approach to healing needs to include measures which balance the mental, emotional and physical aspects of a patient. This approach recommends for instance a regular regimen of exercises also. That is the way that the holistic approach to healing abnormal ovarian cysts works.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More . For Further Information: Ovarian Cysts
Dermoid cyst
The dermoid cyst is basically made up of different kinds of tissues and skin and air. In medical terms it is called a “cystic teratoma” containing mature skin full with sweat glands and hair follicles, at times long hair clumps, and very often, pockets of blood, sebum, cartilage, eyes, teeth, nails, bone, fat, and ‘thyroid tissue’. The presence of mature tissues makes the dermoid cyst nearly always benign. Rarely a ‘malignant dermoid cyst’ might develop into ‘Squamous Cell Carcinoma’ in the adults. And in babies and children it might lead to the development of ‘Endodermal Sinus Tumour’.
Periorbital Dermoid Cysts
The periorbital dermoid cysts generally occur in small children. They occur adjoining the eyebrow`s lateral aspect. It has a rubbery feeling. The disruption of a periorbital dermoid cyst can lead to an ‘Inflammatory Reaction’. Based on particular cases they are either watched or excision is the only solution. If the excision is not done properly then there might be a recurrence of the cyst. But at times, excision is not a practical solution; in some cases the cyst grows an extension through the skull’s suture line.
Cannot be Equated with Pilonidal Cyst
Sometimes a tiny dermoid cyst on head i.e. skull sutures, under tongue, palate, nose, sinus, etc. or coccyx can be mistaken for a pilonidal cyst. The main reason for this mistake is that they are both ‘full of hair’. A ‘pilonidal cyst’ is basically a ‘pilonidal sinus’ that has got obstructed. A sinus or fistula might occur on a teratoma adjoining the body surface. A cluster might also develop. A pilonidal cyst is also termed as ‘Sacrococcygeal Fistula’ which is actually a kind of dermal infection adjoining the tailbone. It is a very painful condition.
Differential Diagnosis
It is important that a correct diagnosis because a pilonidal cyst is very similar to a dermoid cyst, the most significant resemblance being the presence of Germ Cell Tumor. And the reason for taking care is that if there is teratoma, surgical excision is required and the surgery must be done without any sort of spillage. It would therefore be wise to consult a reputable oncologist.
Endometrioma Cyst
It gets formed when tissues that look like the lining of the uterus attach themselves to the ovaries. They are also referred to as chocolate cysts.
Adenoma Cyst
This forms on the outer surface of ovaries and is an ovarian cyst which develops from cells. The Mucinous Cyst Adenomas in particular is the biggest that can form on human beings and an Ovarian Mucinous Cyst adenoma can weigh as much as 328 lbs. or 149 kgs. Mostly, these cysts form on young persons and there`s no apparent reason as to why they form. While they do not usually turn malignant, this has also been known to happen so it is wise to treat them appropriately when discovered.
Mutinous cyst adenomas belong to asymptomatic cysts. But they are still there in women because of mass in the abdomen. Thus the gynaecologic test becomes important to identify them and find out the source of non specific abdominal complains. Suspicion must be maintained for pelvic pathology.
Polycystic Ovarian Cyst
A cyst sometimes forms from the build up of “Follicle Cysts” and results in a thickening of ovaries. It is called Polycystic ovarian cyst. Enlarging occurs in the ovaries due to the thickening and the outer end becomes covered causing ovulation to come to a stop. Naturally, this causes fertility problems in women who develop this kind of abnormal ovarian cyst, usually referred to as PCOS.
Holistic approach
All these abnormal ovarian cysts can be cured by choosing to avail of the holistic approach. Its divinity causes the abnormal ovarian cyst to get cured. The holistic approach is being favorably considered by more and more people nowadays because this treatment is harmless. Further, the holistic approach tends to make people physically and mentally strong. Since the cause of cysts can vary from imbalances in hormones to something quite different such as emotional stress, a holistic approach to healing needs to include measures which balance the mental, emotional and physical aspects of a patient. This approach recommends for instance a regular regimen of exercises also. That is the way that the holistic approach to healing abnormal ovarian cysts works.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More . For Further Information: Ovarian Cysts
Monday, August 23, 2010
BEWARE Of Ovarian Cysts Complications
Anyone who has a cyst in the ovary is prone to various complications that may arise from it. Thus if there are certain symptoms, it is always best to go for a pelvic scan or examination. A large cyst can be quite painful. In some cases, the cyst also presses the urinary bladder and so the person may need to urinate more frequently . Ovarian cyst treatments can most successfully be treated through holistic remedies.
There is another reason why it is so important to get yourself checked for the condition of ovarian cysts. Though in most cases ovarian cysts are benign in nature yet in some cases women do develop complicated forms of ovarian cysts which are not that common. It is these uncommon forms of cysts that give rise to various forms of complications and problems. It is also been noted that sometimes the symptoms of an ovarian cyst have been mistaken as the symptoms of pregnancy. In fact many women have realized the truth only after they had severe bleeding which they mistook for a miscarriage and when for a checkup.
It is not that only a malignant cyst can cause complications, but cysts that do cause complications are not benign in nature. And it is only at a very late stage that you might be able to realize the pain or the symptoms of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can also affect the fertility of the patient. There might be cases where a cyst occurs when the patient has already reached her menopause, in such cases complications are bound to occur and most of these cysts turn cancerous.
We give below examples of the non functional kind of ovarian cysts that are known to cause more complications.
(1) The Dermoid Ovarian Cysts: They grow from the germ cells of the ovaries. It is a cell that creates the eggs and the starting stages of the human tissue. Many of the women will have the dermoid cyst in one of the ovaries and some of them may have in both the ovaries
(2) Endometriomas: The uterus cells help the cyst to grow but it grows on the uterus’ outside - but it is still attached to the ovary. Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glandular tissue outside of the uterus.
(3) Cystadenomas: They can get as big as 12 inches, and lead to complications such as the ovary getting twisted. Such cysts are fluid contained.
The type of the cyst also determines what the complications are. Those cysts that are non functional, are the ones that lead to the maximum complications. The reason behind this is the fact that functional cysts can be treated with medications and also through surgery. And those cysts that cannot be classified also lead to complications as their causes are not identified - as a result, the treatment is also not determined. Having sex while carrying the cyst is not good as there can be a lot of pain and some bleeding too.
The complications of cysts can be treated surely, yet most treatment options treat just the symptoms. But the holistic approach like homeopathy tries to identify the real causes due to which the cyst is getting formed and having done so, treats the cause and not just the symptoms such as the pain and that too without surgery.
Thus when you want to treat ovarian cysts successfully, it is best to select the holistic approach because the approach deals with finding out what causes the cyst and then treating it, instead of just treating the symptoms.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More .
There is another reason why it is so important to get yourself checked for the condition of ovarian cysts. Though in most cases ovarian cysts are benign in nature yet in some cases women do develop complicated forms of ovarian cysts which are not that common. It is these uncommon forms of cysts that give rise to various forms of complications and problems. It is also been noted that sometimes the symptoms of an ovarian cyst have been mistaken as the symptoms of pregnancy. In fact many women have realized the truth only after they had severe bleeding which they mistook for a miscarriage and when for a checkup.
It is not that only a malignant cyst can cause complications, but cysts that do cause complications are not benign in nature. And it is only at a very late stage that you might be able to realize the pain or the symptoms of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can also affect the fertility of the patient. There might be cases where a cyst occurs when the patient has already reached her menopause, in such cases complications are bound to occur and most of these cysts turn cancerous.
We give below examples of the non functional kind of ovarian cysts that are known to cause more complications.
(1) The Dermoid Ovarian Cysts: They grow from the germ cells of the ovaries. It is a cell that creates the eggs and the starting stages of the human tissue. Many of the women will have the dermoid cyst in one of the ovaries and some of them may have in both the ovaries
(2) Endometriomas: The uterus cells help the cyst to grow but it grows on the uterus’ outside - but it is still attached to the ovary. Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glandular tissue outside of the uterus.
(3) Cystadenomas: They can get as big as 12 inches, and lead to complications such as the ovary getting twisted. Such cysts are fluid contained.
The type of the cyst also determines what the complications are. Those cysts that are non functional, are the ones that lead to the maximum complications. The reason behind this is the fact that functional cysts can be treated with medications and also through surgery. And those cysts that cannot be classified also lead to complications as their causes are not identified - as a result, the treatment is also not determined. Having sex while carrying the cyst is not good as there can be a lot of pain and some bleeding too.
The complications of cysts can be treated surely, yet most treatment options treat just the symptoms. But the holistic approach like homeopathy tries to identify the real causes due to which the cyst is getting formed and having done so, treats the cause and not just the symptoms such as the pain and that too without surgery.
Thus when you want to treat ovarian cysts successfully, it is best to select the holistic approach because the approach deals with finding out what causes the cyst and then treating it, instead of just treating the symptoms.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More .
Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Late Period?
If you always experienced fairly regular periods then any small changes will surely trigger questions like why your body is not working properly. Irregular periods can actually be the cause for a number of conditions and one of the common questions is that can late periods be the cause for ovarian cysts or it can also be the opposite way like, can ovarian cysts cause late periods. For most of the women they feel they have regular or timely periods but the very next month it would be late. This late period then keeps continuing for the months later on and can lead to a big problem if ignored.
Late periods or irregular periods can surely be one of the signs for ovarian cysts and for most of the women there might also be a combination of signs that they should look for. There are a few common symptoms and signs that will help you determine what the reasons are for your late or irregular periods. However if you already have ovarian cysts then you should find out that can ovarian cysts cause late period.
Common Signs for Ovarian Cysts
Lower abdominal pain is usually the common cause related to this condition and it can range from sudden to very sharp pain to even prolonged discomfort. You should also find out if you experience severe pain in your abdomen area during or short after the starting or end of the menstrual period. The other reason that is reported for ovarian cyst is weight gain and so make sure you find out about the same. According to the size of your cysts you might also experience pressure on the bladders which would basically mean you will have to urinate often. Abnormal bleeding after of before your periods might also indicate you have ovarian cysts. Additional, faster hair growth can be also related to ovarian cysts and not just in common places like underarms or legs.
It has been recommended that if you experience a missed period then it is important you get it diagnosed. There are several possibilities that if you already have ovarian cysts it might be the cause for your missed period or amenorrhea the medical term for missed periods. If you still have questions of can ovarian cysts cause late period or missed period then you probably know that it can. Therefore if you are among those women who just ignore although having late or missed periods then you should know that your cyst can grow ten times faster then normal and you might not even release that something is wrong until you experience several abdominal pain.
Treating Ovarian Cysts
You should know that ovarian cysts are a very complex and multi-factorial and so it is important that you take necessary steps to treat it systemically and not use any local medications. This means that using over the counter medication will not just be expensive but they will just tackle the symptoms and might even have serious side effects. This calls for the need of holistic approach which is an all natural method to completely treat your ovarian cysts right from its root causes after a proper diagnosis of your symptoms. This holistic approach is surely the right solution for your question whether ovarian cysts can cause late period.
Ovarian Cysts No More
Late periods or irregular periods can surely be one of the signs for ovarian cysts and for most of the women there might also be a combination of signs that they should look for. There are a few common symptoms and signs that will help you determine what the reasons are for your late or irregular periods. However if you already have ovarian cysts then you should find out that can ovarian cysts cause late period.
Common Signs for Ovarian Cysts
Lower abdominal pain is usually the common cause related to this condition and it can range from sudden to very sharp pain to even prolonged discomfort. You should also find out if you experience severe pain in your abdomen area during or short after the starting or end of the menstrual period. The other reason that is reported for ovarian cyst is weight gain and so make sure you find out about the same. According to the size of your cysts you might also experience pressure on the bladders which would basically mean you will have to urinate often. Abnormal bleeding after of before your periods might also indicate you have ovarian cysts. Additional, faster hair growth can be also related to ovarian cysts and not just in common places like underarms or legs.
It has been recommended that if you experience a missed period then it is important you get it diagnosed. There are several possibilities that if you already have ovarian cysts it might be the cause for your missed period or amenorrhea the medical term for missed periods. If you still have questions of can ovarian cysts cause late period or missed period then you probably know that it can. Therefore if you are among those women who just ignore although having late or missed periods then you should know that your cyst can grow ten times faster then normal and you might not even release that something is wrong until you experience several abdominal pain.
Treating Ovarian Cysts
You should know that ovarian cysts are a very complex and multi-factorial and so it is important that you take necessary steps to treat it systemically and not use any local medications. This means that using over the counter medication will not just be expensive but they will just tackle the symptoms and might even have serious side effects. This calls for the need of holistic approach which is an all natural method to completely treat your ovarian cysts right from its root causes after a proper diagnosis of your symptoms. This holistic approach is surely the right solution for your question whether ovarian cysts can cause late period.
Ovarian Cysts No More
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Ovarian Cysts Treatment REVEALED
The treatment of ovarian cysts will depend on the kind of symptoms that have been noted and the level of pain that the sufferer may be in. The different kinds of cysts are also a major factor in deciding how treatment will be done. The way that ovarian cysts are treated will typically be related to whether or not the sufferer is postmenopausal.
Women in pre-menopausal condition
It is possible for cysts to disappear by themselves after one or two months without any external action. For pre-menopausal women, surgery would not be the first decision in terms of a remedy. Sometimes and because of the cyst, an ovary may even twist around inside a woman’s body, which then blocks the blood supply or can cause the cyst to rupture in the ovary. These are emergency medical instances that usually require immediate surgical operation. Because of this, if a cyst appears benign under a sonogram and does not cause discomfort to the patient then observation for about two months is the management technique. If after treatment the cyst is still present and is also causing serious pain to the sufferer, then surgery will be necessary.
Fundamental surgery as a treatment of Ovarian Cysts
Initial surgery for an ovarian cyst might be the removal and the drainage of the cyst or it might include the complete removal of the ovary. Sometimes a cyst may be very big but can be removed leaving the surrounding tissues to heal with minimal extra surgery. However very big cysts can destroy the environment of the ovary that means that the entire organ needs to be taken out. The doctor may also suggest removing the whole ovary if your age and also the nature of your cyst mean that you are more menaced by ovarian cancer. If the doctor suspects cancer then it is essential that the cyst remains un-ruptured so as to avoid possible malignant cells entering the abdominal cavity. In this case and to avoid ovarian cancer the doctor will recommend the removal of the whole ovary.
What is the result on a woman of removal of an ovary
For women after the menopause, a surgical operation to handle an ovarian cyst will often involve both ovaries. Removal of both ovaries typically has little effect on the health of women, because the ovaries no longer produce progesterone or estrogen after menopause. A possible reduction in libido or sexual desire after the removal of ovaries has been suggested by some women after menopause. A treatment of small doses of testosterone can typically resolve this matter. A single ovary would be taken out if the size of the cyst allows this. If you have not reached menopause then there would be no significant effect on your fertility because an ovary alone can create enough hormones and eggs for you to become pregnant. However both ovaries may need to be removed if cancer is diagnosed.
Upon discovering any cancerous cells, the doctor may then recommend that both ovaries be removed. Of course, this possibility is discussed with the patient before starting surgery by the doctor. A quick test for women before menopause is done for cancer cells on the ovary to be removed.
Surgery with the use of Laparoscopy
Cystectomy is the name for the operation to take out a cyst from an ovary. A cyst is similar to a small liquid-filled container. A cyst is typically opened with a laparoscopic instrument to then aspirate the liquid before carefully removing the cyst itself. The patient can leave the hospital within 24 hours and is typically able to resume professional activity after fourteen days of rest. Treating ovarian cysts involves surgery done by laparoscopy. The surgery is accomplished by using a laparoscope, an instrument with a camera which is put into the abdomen by making tiny incisions at the pelvic bone. By doing surgery in this manner, patient recovery is faster and there are many less signs of surgery on the skin of the patient.
While surgery is done, surgeons take pains to leave as much healthy ovarian tissue as possible in place so as to preserve the creation of eggs. Surgery is a possible treatment for ovarian cysts, but does have some possible risks. In certain cases, if a cyst is too big the ovary must be taken out which means the destruction of all normal ovarian tissues. However a holistic program is available to you that addresses the underlying cause of ovarian cysts and which is also an effective, long-term solution without secondary effects.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More .
Women in pre-menopausal condition
It is possible for cysts to disappear by themselves after one or two months without any external action. For pre-menopausal women, surgery would not be the first decision in terms of a remedy. Sometimes and because of the cyst, an ovary may even twist around inside a woman’s body, which then blocks the blood supply or can cause the cyst to rupture in the ovary. These are emergency medical instances that usually require immediate surgical operation. Because of this, if a cyst appears benign under a sonogram and does not cause discomfort to the patient then observation for about two months is the management technique. If after treatment the cyst is still present and is also causing serious pain to the sufferer, then surgery will be necessary.
Fundamental surgery as a treatment of Ovarian Cysts
Initial surgery for an ovarian cyst might be the removal and the drainage of the cyst or it might include the complete removal of the ovary. Sometimes a cyst may be very big but can be removed leaving the surrounding tissues to heal with minimal extra surgery. However very big cysts can destroy the environment of the ovary that means that the entire organ needs to be taken out. The doctor may also suggest removing the whole ovary if your age and also the nature of your cyst mean that you are more menaced by ovarian cancer. If the doctor suspects cancer then it is essential that the cyst remains un-ruptured so as to avoid possible malignant cells entering the abdominal cavity. In this case and to avoid ovarian cancer the doctor will recommend the removal of the whole ovary.
What is the result on a woman of removal of an ovary
For women after the menopause, a surgical operation to handle an ovarian cyst will often involve both ovaries. Removal of both ovaries typically has little effect on the health of women, because the ovaries no longer produce progesterone or estrogen after menopause. A possible reduction in libido or sexual desire after the removal of ovaries has been suggested by some women after menopause. A treatment of small doses of testosterone can typically resolve this matter. A single ovary would be taken out if the size of the cyst allows this. If you have not reached menopause then there would be no significant effect on your fertility because an ovary alone can create enough hormones and eggs for you to become pregnant. However both ovaries may need to be removed if cancer is diagnosed.
Upon discovering any cancerous cells, the doctor may then recommend that both ovaries be removed. Of course, this possibility is discussed with the patient before starting surgery by the doctor. A quick test for women before menopause is done for cancer cells on the ovary to be removed.
Surgery with the use of Laparoscopy
Cystectomy is the name for the operation to take out a cyst from an ovary. A cyst is similar to a small liquid-filled container. A cyst is typically opened with a laparoscopic instrument to then aspirate the liquid before carefully removing the cyst itself. The patient can leave the hospital within 24 hours and is typically able to resume professional activity after fourteen days of rest. Treating ovarian cysts involves surgery done by laparoscopy. The surgery is accomplished by using a laparoscope, an instrument with a camera which is put into the abdomen by making tiny incisions at the pelvic bone. By doing surgery in this manner, patient recovery is faster and there are many less signs of surgery on the skin of the patient.
While surgery is done, surgeons take pains to leave as much healthy ovarian tissue as possible in place so as to preserve the creation of eggs. Surgery is a possible treatment for ovarian cysts, but does have some possible risks. In certain cases, if a cyst is too big the ovary must be taken out which means the destruction of all normal ovarian tissues. However a holistic program is available to you that addresses the underlying cause of ovarian cysts and which is also an effective, long-term solution without secondary effects.
Mary Parker is a certified nutritionist and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, Ovarian Cysts No More .
Painful Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms, RISKS and Treatments
Ovarian cyst can be described as a tiny little capsule in the ovary that encloses a mixture of fluid and usually surrounds a thin layer of wall. Any kind of follicle that is around 2 centimeters bigger than the average size can be identified as the ovarian cyst. This painful ovarian cyst is functional and gentle in nature but, few of them such as the hemorrhagic tend to be hurting. The classic symptom of this type of cyst is experiencing pain on the right portion of the abdomen. Bleeding usually occurs quickly and can submerge the entire ovary swiftly in order generate tremendous pain. This normally occurs when the blood vessels in the system rupture and the blood surpasses in the system. As the blood in the system begins to collect in the ovary, it starts forming clots which is visible through sonogram.
In some of the cases, hemorrhagic cyst bursts and results in flooding of blood in the abdominal cavity. But, it is exceptional for the discharge of blood from the vagina. This is when the ovarian cyst breaks and starts to pain which becomes unbearable thereafter. Luckily, it is self-limiting and does not need any surgical involvement. Also, if the painful ovarian cyst ruptures then it resolves by itself provided the person takes sufficient amount of rest. Another kind of painful ovarian cyst can occur when torsion develops. This torsion is usually referred to as the adnexal torsion and is very much painful and critical condition that needs immediate medical attention. Also endometrial ovarian cyst can be caused due to endometriosis and is created when a small patch of endometrial tissue sloughs off and bleeds. This endometrial tissue is later transplanted somewhere else to grow and enlarge.
Since the blood vessels builds on, it increases the tissues to turn into a dark brown shade and is frequently referred to as chocolate ovarian cyst. At last, when the ovarian cyst ruptures the materials containing within it drips over the pelvis, bowels and the uterus. One of the main symptoms related with endometriosis is harsh nonstop pain that peaks when the ovarian cyst ruptures. Dermoid ovarian cyst which is yet another type of cyst is formed from the ovarian cells that contribute for forming of hair and teeth. This kind of cyst is exceptional however when this condition occurs then it can develop into a bigger size causing additional pain in the abdomen. A polycystic ovary is also known to occur when several follicular cysts are formed within the ovaries. This particular type of ovarian cyst development is referred to as the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Women who are under infertility treatment such as introduction of ovulation can be at great risk. Even though several medicines can relieve the overall pain for the time being, they do not provide long term result to this kind of painful ovarian cyst. This is why holistic approach is the one and only way that can deal with this kind of difficulty at the root level. Conventional methods do not target the rot cause of the problem which means that the condition gets solved for a certain period. However, holistic approach is said to be long tern treatment which targets the actual cause which has contributed to the development of the painful ovarian cyst.
Click here to know more on Ovarian Cysts Holistic cure.
In some of the cases, hemorrhagic cyst bursts and results in flooding of blood in the abdominal cavity. But, it is exceptional for the discharge of blood from the vagina. This is when the ovarian cyst breaks and starts to pain which becomes unbearable thereafter. Luckily, it is self-limiting and does not need any surgical involvement. Also, if the painful ovarian cyst ruptures then it resolves by itself provided the person takes sufficient amount of rest. Another kind of painful ovarian cyst can occur when torsion develops. This torsion is usually referred to as the adnexal torsion and is very much painful and critical condition that needs immediate medical attention. Also endometrial ovarian cyst can be caused due to endometriosis and is created when a small patch of endometrial tissue sloughs off and bleeds. This endometrial tissue is later transplanted somewhere else to grow and enlarge.
Since the blood vessels builds on, it increases the tissues to turn into a dark brown shade and is frequently referred to as chocolate ovarian cyst. At last, when the ovarian cyst ruptures the materials containing within it drips over the pelvis, bowels and the uterus. One of the main symptoms related with endometriosis is harsh nonstop pain that peaks when the ovarian cyst ruptures. Dermoid ovarian cyst which is yet another type of cyst is formed from the ovarian cells that contribute for forming of hair and teeth. This kind of cyst is exceptional however when this condition occurs then it can develop into a bigger size causing additional pain in the abdomen. A polycystic ovary is also known to occur when several follicular cysts are formed within the ovaries. This particular type of ovarian cyst development is referred to as the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Women who are under infertility treatment such as introduction of ovulation can be at great risk. Even though several medicines can relieve the overall pain for the time being, they do not provide long term result to this kind of painful ovarian cyst. This is why holistic approach is the one and only way that can deal with this kind of difficulty at the root level. Conventional methods do not target the rot cause of the problem which means that the condition gets solved for a certain period. However, holistic approach is said to be long tern treatment which targets the actual cause which has contributed to the development of the painful ovarian cyst.
Click here to know more on Ovarian Cysts Holistic cure.
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